Based on Episode 3 of The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project, originally produced by Andy Daly and Matt Gourley.
Visualized by Jon White.
Based on Episode 3 of The Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project, originally produced by Andy Daly and Matt Gourley.
Visualized by Jon White.
Here’s how it works. I’m gonna walk you through a workout, but you can’t get started now, cause there’s a bunch of things you’re gonna need. This is a real-world, environment-based workout, and there’s a number of things I need to tell you to get right now, okay?
What you need to do now is get a good night’s sleep, so you’re gonna get cozy in your sleeping bag there. Now, before you drift off, I want you to give the headphones to the guy who is there with you to help out with the wolves. He’s there with you now, he’s got the wolves in the wolf pen.
Give him the headphones right now.
“You’ve got an angry mother wolf and she is headed straight for you. So if that doesn’t help motivate you toward that river — God, I don’t know what will.”